Monday, April 29, 2013

WORD OF THE DAY! 4/29/13!

ablaze [a-bleyz] /aflame [a-fleym]
1. Burning; on fire.
2. Gleaming with bright lights, bold colors, etc.
3. Excited; eager; zealous; ardent.
4. Very angry.


EX. Sometimes I feel sorry for certain Fire Pokémon than other types of Pokémon; being partially ablaze at all times is definitely got to complicate a lot of activities and require extra care not to harm one self or others. Heck, Charmander has to keep his tail aflame or, withing minutes, will die. Some of them produce so much heat that they can only live comfortably in the harshest of environments, such as besides volcanoes or in the desert, or they threaten to catch the environment on fire and threaten the lives of other innocent Pokémon.

On one hand, Fire is one of my favorite types (I almost lways go with the fire starter), but on the other hand I dunno how safe it would be to have a living lava slug Mascargo in my house.