Saturday, February 28, 2015


neutral good [noo-truhl-good]
1. The alignment that does the best that a good person can do. This alignment works for the greater good by striving for a prosperous and happy life the community. They uphold the values of pragmatism, balance and compassion, while looking for a balance between freedom and order that will promote the best outcome for all.
2. Anything that falls within the perimeter of the neutral good alignment (see 1. above).

"Serving kings and magistrates but not being beholden to them" describes Gandalf the Grey (and "The White" for that matter), in all but name, when it was used as a descriptor of Neutral Good in the 3rd Edition Player's Handbook. He puts the greater good, in his case the defeat of Sauron and the welfare of Middle Earth, above any selfish desires and often against the authority of man and elf alike, and is one of the most beloved and quoted mentors in fantasy (the fantasy equivalent of Obi-Wan and Yoda).

Fair warning: Neutral Good is my alignment and I think it is the best alignment (if there is such a thing). So, expect me to have some bias but, hey, as the goody good balanced alignment, I'll try my best to be fair.

Switching gears for a moment to Star Trek, let's talk about the legendary trio of Kirk, Spock, and Mcoy.

In Freudian theory, the psyche is made up of three components: the ego, the superego, and the id, which represent the struggle between emotions and logic when it comes to making decisions. The id represents the emotional and instinctual desires, the superego represents reason and obedience to social norms, and the ego represents the conscious self that seeks to strike a balance between the other two components.

In Star Trek, Kirk (Neutral Good) is the Ego, while Spock is the Super Ego (Lawful Good) and Mcoy represents the Id (Chaotic Good) in a positive Freudian trio. Kirk is the more balanced of three, and is the natural leader (as well as the official one as the Captain), and weighs the advice of his two comrades in order to make command decisions that, ultimately, most often leads to the best outcome for all parties involved in the, mostly, enlightened future of Star Trek and the Federation. The downside of this role is that the heavy weight that making such decisions, many of which are life or death decisions for countless sentient beings, takes its toll on Kirk. But between his love of his career and the his sense of obligation to do good, Kirk persevered and became the most legendary and long-serving captains in Federation history, despite multiple attempts to retire him or promote him by the Federation.

These are also the strengths and weaknesses of the Neutral Good character in general-- they are pragmatic benefactors but, in having less ethical bias, their actions are dictated by personal choice and therefore the outcome, for better or worse, often weighs more heavily and more personally than good characters able to hoist the decision-making on the authority they obey or to abandon the decision altogether if it restricts them too much.

It isn't easy being a do-gooder. And arguably neutral good is the most do-good alignment.

"I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong." -Frederick Douglass

Also, more so than any other alignment, Neutral Good or "True Good" is the alignment that works for the greater good.

Neutral Good characters are not bound to a particular ethical bias but instead are bound to doing the most good; a neutral good character tries to do the most good for the most peoples in the right places at the right time in the right way by being flexible and pragmatic. They are not beholden to any higher authority or selfish agendas, but instead are beholden to the lives and freedoms of other people first.

Neutral good societies strive for a balance between harmony and freedom; they try to create a society where law and order exist to protect and promote the public welfare, as well as trying to allow for personal freedom of individuals, while creating a society that is vigilant of the abuses of authority over individuals and individuals against each other. Neutral good societies promote those that serve the people through professional and personal action.

Neutral good societies tend to be smaller since it is difficult to create balance in a larger society. Furthermore, due to their altruistic natures, neutral good characters are generally welcome in any sensible society, since they serve as natural problem solvers that are willing to compromise for the greater good (hence the nickname "mercenary good") and try to pick their battles wisely, since they know they can't fix every problem, and are less likely to butt heads with the local authorities.

A neutral good character must strike a balance to achieve the best results: they believe people should behave altruistically and attempt to meet the needs of their society and the individuals that make up their society. They are willing to ignore laws and curb freedoms that they believe are harmful to the greater good.

The greatest source of conflict for these characters is maintaining a balance that promotes the greater good and making decisions that promote the greater good. Choice is the neutral good character's greatest strength and greatest burden.

An example of a morality-ethics based conflict for a Neutral Good character is difficult to explain because of the Neutral Good character's flexibility. While the solution is often obvious or somewhat more straightforward for a LG or CG character, Neutral Good characters make their decisions based on the greater consequences of their actions. This doesn't mean they are likely to commit evil acts, but it does mean that they are less likely to take any decision lightly. Every mistake is their own-- they cannot fall back on following the law or following their heart, but instead must follow their head. Furthermore, their are neutral good characters that tend towards lawful solutions and some that tend towards chaotic solutions. But let's try an example from Gandalf's book:

A local king is over-taxing the citizens of a small town but he is using the funds to build a new fort. A Chaotic Good character would be opposed to the king's actions for his over-taxation and a Lawful Good character would probably be offended but might not necessarily oppose the king. A Neutral Good character would only wonder whether the king's actions were necessary for the greater good and try to find a solution that balances the welfare of the small town against the welfare that would come from building this new fort. If the new fort would stand in the way of a greater evil than taxation, he might overlook it but would probably search for an alternate solution that satisfied all parties to the best of his abilities. That is the struggle of NG heroes.

What are some examples of Neutral Good characters? Gandalf (of course), Harry Potter (and maybe Dumbledore), Spider-Man, Captain James T. Kirk, Goku, Wonder Woman, and Luke Skywalker.

So, why pick Neutral Good? Simple. You want to solve problems for the greater good by being proactive and pragmatic

Basically, you want to be a good person first.

Friday, February 27, 2015



First a quick update on my life in the second month of 2015:
  • I made a half-dozen unbox-king videos on my blog to try something different. You should check them out.
  • I survived the apocalypse, specifically "Snowmageddon 2015: The Revenge of the Ice", by mostly using common sense and digging a trench in my drive way to keep the backdoor from flooding.
  • I watched a couple seasons of Legend of Korra and Cowboy Bebop with my parents. I also finished Fringe and finally saw John Wick (5/5.)
  • I am in the after-game of Pokemon: Omega Ruby, started Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, finishing Portal 2 (again), and still trudging thru Shadow of Mordor.
  • I found miniature cows between my house and my friend's house. They were about three feet tall. Look. Small donkeys for scale:

And next month is gonna probably be the most exciting month of my year (I'll be taking a week off for my trip to Florida) and I can't wait to tell you guys about it but, right now, in the present, let's talk about Loot Crate:

Loot Crate is a subscription based service where members pay a fee (based on their subscription plan) to receive a themed mystery box every month in the mail (last month's theme, pictured above, was "Villains") filled with nerdy products from companies like Nintendo, DC, Marvel, Capcom and much more. The contents of the box usually contain things like exclusive figures, a t-shirt, a magnet, pin/s, posters, comics, books, toys, and pretty much everything you can think of from "dragon-flavored" Jerky in April's "Dragon" Loot Crate to Deadpool socks (pictured above).

This is the perfect surprise for self-professed nerds that love cool stuff and weird stuff alike.

If you're lucky, you might even be the lucky member to get the monthly Mega Crate which always has a value of $750 or more!

And so, for as low as $11.67 + $6 SH, you can become a Looter too! Plus, if you use any of the various codes you can find online, you can get discounts. 

This is my seventh Loot Crate review. If you wanna check out last month's review for JAN 2015 "Rewind" Loot Crate, check out the link HERE.

This month promised an exclusive Super Fight products, a Kidrobot figure, a best seller's book and a plethora of other nonsense.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015



"... am the very model of a scientist salarian I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian I'm quite good at genetics as a subset of biology because I am an expert which I know is a tautology My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian I am the very model of a scientist salariaaaan!"


... you can't start a paragraph with "am" in English. You need a subject first.


Let's not make another stupid paragraph joke. Let's actually talk about the subject at hand: Blame Society is the film group behind Chad Vader and a variety of game/film based programs for the youtubes. These animations are made by the wonderful tithinian. They involve celebrity impersonations and playing the game Snake Oil. That's it.


Being an internet hero is hard. I'm not one. But I'm sure it is hard.

As I sit here in the warm comfy confines of my comfortable leather computer chair and munch away on most likely genetically engineered miniaturized citrus fruit, I can't help but feel the weight of the thousands of years of expectations and destiny itself weight down upon me like so many monkeys on my back. But damn it all if I don't find monkeys funny.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


"The master has returned."

I heard the rumor again, a whisper between two acolytes walking ahead of me, as they dodged patches of ice on the bridge. Their conversation was buried by the sound of the barreling of the train coming into the station beneath us--buried like their foot prints by the falling snow and buried like my memories in the past.

"The master has returned!"

The train came to a halt and priests, hailing from the far east, could be heard playing their bells, whistles, and chimes as they stepped out onto the platform. I wondered if they had just started their performance upon arrival or whether they had been playing it all trip or whether they had been playing it for days. If their master had returned, celebration was to be expect.

The light dusting of peace and joy and good will towards all men would soon be blasted away by the blizzard of war.

If "the master has returned", skills like mine would be in high demand in the city. That is what Munna told me. I do not know who I am but, Munna says, I am a soldier.

My name is Breeze. At least that is what Munna calls me. I don't remember my real name.

I woke up on a night like this. I had been left to die in the snow amongst the fallen of a small skirmish from the master's last war. Munna found me there.

Munna is a merchant. Some people call her a thief but, really, she is merely an opportunist. She had been about to pry the sword from my gut as I was waking up and, as I tried to pull myself up, sliding up the blade that pinned me to the ground she stopped me. She helped me. She took me to her cart and patched me up.

I've done odd jobs for her ever since. I could've gone to the rebels or the army, but I wasn't sure which side I had been on. I was wearing a soldier's uniform but it wasn't like the army to leave a body behind. They had won that battle. They haven't lost a battle in a long time. That is why it surprises the rebels and acolytes alike of their master's return.

It would be dangerous to go to the army or the rebels. If I go to the wrong one and they recognize me as an enemy, either side would take me prisoner, torture me for information, and, inevitably, make an example of me by taking my life. That is what Munna told me. And she is probably right. I've seen the holovids of the military executions and it was hard to forget finding the bodies of loyalists hanging from lamp posts in the lower city.

"The master has returned!" A young bald headed priestess shook her tambourine at me as I climbed onto the train, one hand instinctively reaching up to the hilt of my blade before I caught myself and nodded at her, before turning back to take a seat on the train.

If the master has returned, I have to go up to the middle city. I have to find Eska and Varda. It might already be too late.

It is snowing in the city. It always snows in the city. The weather is always changing but the weather is always the same.

Dunkey be damned.