space aids [spehys-ehydz]
1. League of Legends Slang. Malazahar's E ability, Malefic Visions, that deals magic damage over a period of four second and if it kills the afflicted target, spreads to the nearest enemy target available, repeating the process until either an afflicted target doesn't die or there are no more targets in range of a dying afflicted target, and gaining Malazahar mana.
2. AIDS from or acquired in space.
EX. Malazahar is my favorite mid character. He is the first character I ever achieved a PENTAKILL with in League of Legends. This is thanks, mostly, to his incredibly powerful E finishing off target after target in a team fight with space aids, and the rest of his powerful kit. He is still one of my best champs and, thanks to NuFu, he was one of the first champs recommended to me.