bogle [boh-guhl]
1. A bogy, ghost, specter, boogie man or other spirit or being, especially said to haunt children or exist in stories meant to scare children.
EX. The Bogle. By Sean Barnes
Don't look outside the window at night. That's what Mama said.
Don't lean out into the inky darkness. Or you'll wind up dead.
Don't leer back into faceless eyes. That's what Mama said.
Don't listen to the bogle's sad cries. Or it'll get in your head.
Don't 'llow the bogle in from the cold. That's what Mama said.
Don't let the bogle hold your hand. Or it'll drag you outta bed.
Don't leave the house by it's lead. That's what Mama said.
Don't look outside the window at night. Or you'll wind up dead.
That's what Mama said. That's what Mama said. That's what Mama said.