Wednesday, March 13, 2013



So, I know you crazy cats liked MY PONY.MOV SERIES ARTICLE and so, when I found out that there was another piece of media related to the series-- I HAD TO SHARE (cuz unlike Jappleack, I can share). The tumblr page starts out a simple, though often NSFW/abusive Ren & Stimpy style look into this delightful fan character, it quickly evolves and snowballs until it becomes a webcomic that actually spills the beans on "Applejack"'s adventures to save the multiverse she was on during the events of the other .MOV videos. BROHOOF!

This is the single most racist premise filled with racist innuendo that I have ever seen disguised as a children's video game-- in fact, it goes beyond offensive and goes straight into legendary troll territory! Clearly, the makers of this game were either dissatisfied with their work or just massive bastardos. I recommend searching and watching/reading the other segments you can find on youtube, including the conclusion where Shawn becomes a drug mule.

You should click HERE to watch the video. This one is for the ladies, guys who like guys, otaku, casual anime fans, and internet citizens like myself with a bizarre sense of humor-- starting out as a simple promotional anime project from Kyoto Animation that was simply a short video, in the style of many similar videos/ music videos we generally get of original female characters all the time, and that's where things go nuts.

It seems that a simple short about four attractive/cute/sexy/attach additional adjectives that might apply etc. teenage boys swimming, drying off, and horsing around with each other around a pool has sent the internet (4chan & Tumblr) into a tizzy with fans foaming at the mouth as if bit by some new rabid fascination. Within a few hours, fan art, fan fiction, fan pairings, and so much more filled up the fan forums and girls/boys of the Internet rejoiced over the existence of new internet deities that were blanks vessels to attach personalities/relationships/backstories.

In fact, there is a petition to make this an anime. Personally, I just find the creation of cute anime characters and mascots to be fascinating and wish we had that sort of fun in America-- everything from porta-potties to precincts have their own mascots and cute nifty animations like this one are made all the time. All we get is crappy commercials about talking babies...

P.S. It's fine if you don't like this and/or don't get why I/others find it amusing. That's okay. That's sort of the entire point of WTF Wed. If you enjoyed this article, I highly recommend you search my blog for past WTF articles.