Friday, July 6, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 2/6/12.

fabulous [fab-yuh-luhs]
1. Almost impossible to believe; incredible.
2. Informal . Exceptionally good or unusual; marvelous; superb, etc.
3. Told about in fablespurely imaginary, impossible.
4. Known about only through myths or legends.

fey [fey]
1. British Dialect. Doomed; fated to die.
2. Chiefly Scot. Appearing to be under a spell; marked by an apprehension of death, calamity, or evil.
3. Supernatural; unreal; enchanted: elves, fairies, and other fey creatures.
4. Being in unnaturally high spirits, as were formerly thought to precede death.
5. Whimsical; strange; otherworldly.
EX. Alrighty, so today we're not talking about princesses, heroes, annoying sidekicks or Grooses....or is it Greese? Anyway, we're talking about the fabulous fey demon lord, Skyward Sword's creepy, androgynous, but awesomely original anime bishonen creepozoid villain...


Much in the same way I found the more friendly and approachable character of Zelda to be so likeable, I found Ghirahim to be a compelling and unique character in the Zelda Universe, a fairly intimidating villain, and one of the more interesting repeat bosses I've dealt with in the history of gaming. Like the boar-riding orc guy from Twilight Princess, I looked forward to fighting Ghirahim, and besting him with his every scaling difficulty and change of tactics that not only served to engage me in the motion-control sword mechanics, but gave me a sense of rivalry.

Ghirahim is a very strange villain, with his garish costume, his lithe and physically unimposing form, and the way his slick purple tongue darts in and out of his lipsticked mouth. When you first see the character, he tries to stop you from catching up with Zelda, and is anything but unimpressed and unimpressive. He claims to be working to bring about a new era of evil, wants the triforce or something, blah blah, he is creepy, magical, evil, but also kind of silly. That is until the moment where he stops your sword with HIS BARE-HAND! 0.0

To be honest, until my boss fight with Ghirahim, I was pretty disappointed with Skyward Sword (which I'll get to in the full review of the title), but the moment he caught my sword....and then DISARMED ME was a shocking and exhilarating moment that made me wanna play the game just to get to kick his evil a-holeness around. Even more compelling is, while at first he seemed like a composed and casual character, as you progress and get more and more in the way of his goals, he becomes more threatening, less relaxed, and increasingly frustrated to where, by the end of the game, he seethes with so much hatred and madness that it is truly awesome. Next thing ya know, you're in a boss fight, fighting sword to sword, that is so difficult that my arms got sore for a couple of days after the final boss fight.

I think the reason that Ghirahim was a more compelling villain and series of boss fights were that you got to see him multiple times, you were constantly have to worry if he'd show up at the end of a dungeon, and he is completely unique. Ganondorf is a great villain, don't get me wrong, but he is more of an archetypal villain like Bowser. You know you fight Ganon at the end of a Zelda title...because that's what you do. Ghirahim will be a memorable character for some time, simply because he stands apart from Ganon...and is a lot harder of a boss fight, just saying.

And he is also the only Zelda boss with a passion for fashion.