Saturday, April 20, 2013

WORD OF THE DAY! 4/20/13!

pump iron [puhmp-ahy-ern]
1. To lift weights to exercise or increase muscle for fitness, appearance, or body building.

EX. "LISTEN UP MAGGOTS! LT. SURGE HERE TO PUMP YOU UP? WHAT'S THAT? YOU CAN'T HEAR MY SHOUTING OVER THE SOUND OF YOUR FAT THIGHS RUBBING TOGETHER LIKE A PAIR OF SNORLAXES TRYING TO MAKE A MUNCHLAX!? THEN, MAYBE... I should stop typing in capital letters, Miltank. You wanna know how to go from a Jigglypuff to really buff? It's simple, son. Just do as the Machoke do and lift weights! Pump iron!

How do you think LT. Surge does it? Every day I go into Diglett Cave and I attempt to pull one of those buggers out of his hole. Still haven't succeeded, but it's a heck of a work out!"