Friday, February 1, 2013

WORD OF THE DAY! 2/1/13.

enchiridion [en-kahy-rid-ee-yun]
1. A handbook or manual.

EX. If you're a fan of Adventue Time, you know that the Enchiridion is an important artifact in the Land of Ooo that are hero, Finn, became the entrusted owner and defender of in one of the first episodes of the series. PREVIEW

The book appeared to be a magical and ancient text with lots of useful advice and lessons for a young hero to learn (Ex. Like "Chapter 5: How to Kiss a Princess"). Not to reveal or SPOIL too much, because the show's recent season took us on a dark journey to discover many of the secrets and past tragedies that led to the post-apocalyptic fantasy Land of Ooo's situation-- yes, in case you were unaware, this setting is post-apocalyptic. In fact, there is mention of their being "Mushroom Wars" which, almost certainly, refer to an all out nuclear war that, much like the premise of the classic animated film, Ralph Bakshi's brilliant WIZARDS (you can watch the whole thing by starting with Part 1/8 linked to the left of this parentheses).

Also, on that note, there are a lot of things in common between these two worlds. Wizards inspired many a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting where modern technology is impressive magic to fantasy races (think how impressive a film camera or tank would be to Bilbo Baggins?). But anywho, if there is anything to be talked about here in this sloppy rant, besides how you should watch Wizards, is that a post-apocalyptic world is great for Dungeons and Dragons (which Adventure Time is very much inspired by and inspires).

In fact, as D & D is a game where they recommend borrowing story elements and world elements, Adventure Time is a pretty interesting place to borrow ideas for a fantasy setting. Heck, the first adventure I ran in my Korbo the Barbarian campaign borrowed hijinks from the Legend of Zelda, Korgoth the Barbarian (duh), Heavy Metal, and, of course, the Enchiridion episode of Adventure Time since the first adventure included a magical book, a keymaster and a minotaur. Stay tuned for future rants about stuff and, perhaps, more adventures of Korbo.

Basically, this was mind dump to get my wheels rolling for some future content. Sorry if it can be that way sometimes, but I do this for entertainment-- yours and mine.