Monday, February 11, 2013



The first video this Monday is a mash-up of the PoTUS's words together to make for some sort of wonderfully inspiring speech (the best since Hermain Cain's speech from Pokemon the Movie 2000) that you probably already know the words to, so you best sing along. Anywho, lets move on from the appetizer to our daily special-- the pterodactyl burger.

The passion in this gentleman's screeching ballad of loss and love will shatter your heart (or ear drums) as he morphs from a simple mortal to the lizard lord of the sky. An oldie but a goodie, this really is a fantastic example of the passion inspired in the ancient art of Karaoke. Now, lets get to the Die Hard dessert!

I literally can't listen to this without melting into the warbling kermit voice of Alan Rickman (whom I've been fond of since as long as I can remember (so, probably the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie)). This is another fantastic tune from the Kaplan Bros. (whom I've been pimping about as long as we've had Musical Mondays w/ Fright Night:The Musical, & Conan the Musical, & Batman & Robin the Musical, & Expendables the Musical, & Liam Neeson the Musical).