Monday, December 31, 2012


bumble [buhm-buhl]
1. An awkward blunder.
2. To bungler or blunder awkwardly; muddle.
3. To stumble or stagger.
4. To speak in a low, stuttering, halting manner; to mumble.
5. To do something clumsily; to botch.

EX. My first Dungeons and Dragons character was an Advanced D & D Dwarf Cleric of Moradin that I named Bumble Bootsbane. I introduced the rest of his story back in Musical Monday. 11/14/11 and have never really gotten around to giving you guys more of his story. As part of celebrating my birthday, which is 12/31, I am going to also share with you some more details about a character that is an extension of myself; also, the thing about Bumble is that he isn't really a bumbler. In fact, compared to his companions, including an elf king and a couple of paladins, Bumble manages to get himself out of trouble more often than not by using his head and his heart.

I think the first moment where Bumble Boostbane shined was the first time that he and his closest companion Vilnius met an elf (whom he would discover was the uncle of the then Prince Zaurian) in the woods.

Now, if you wanna know anything about dwarves, you should know that they like caves and mountains. They don't particularly like trees or forests. In forests, there are too many eyes always watching. And Bumble certainly felt as if he was being watched by hundreds of little eyes, as he and Vilnius walked through the misty mountains (in real life it was a dim and cloudy January or February day), and they kept spotting these slim figures running between the trees. Eventually, they came upon an entire village of hundreds of these figures, elves, and they asked the travelers to climb into a nearby tree. Vilnius didn't want to go. Bumble told him he would go and told him to wait. Bumble climbed into the tree, against his better judgement, and hoped Moradin would carry him through.

And it was okay. He was talking to an old looking elf who asked him what he was doing. Bumble explained that they were on an a mission from the King Donovan to help fight the forces of the Black City. The elf seemed to warm to the respectful tone and courage of the humble dwarf. After they talked, he gave Bumble the gift of a magic ring, and sent the two young fellows on with his blessing... a blessing that actually paid off when the elves returned and quickly became the most loyal friends of the two and they became embroiled in the politics of the realm.

Luckily, Bumble is a master of diplomacy....despite his Charisma of 11.