Saturday, November 3, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 11/3/12.

death by chocolate [deth-bahy-chaw-kul-it]
1. A marketing term for various desserts that feature chocolate (especially dark chocolate or cocoa) as the primary ingredient. Supposedly, the term and its various incarnations began as a result to satisfy a fictional dessert of the same name. These sorts of desserts may be layered chocolate cakes, a molten chocolate cake, a flour-less chocolate cake, or more messy dish made up of brownies, mouse, chocolate bars, whipped topping, chocolate syrup and/or so many other chocolate sweets.

EX. I'm sure you all know that dogs can truly meet its end via death by chocolate, so perhaps it would be instructive to explain why chocolate is amazing to humans, but poison to dogs. Dogs process the chemical in chocolate, theobromine, much slower that humans-- we process it in 20 to 40 minutes and  a dog processes it over a dozen hours. Small doses can cause nausea and diarrhea, while larger doses can cause permanent brain/heart damage through heart attacks and seizures. The darker the chocolate, such as baker's chocolate, the worse it is for the dog.

Here is a short list of some other foods dangerous, unhealthy or toxic to dogs: Avocado, alcohol, onions & garlic, coffee, tea, and anything with caffeine, grapes & raisins (they cause brain damage), milk & other dairy products, macadamia nuts, candy & gum, fat trimming & bones, persimmons, peaches, plums, raw eggs, raw fish, raw meat, salt, sugary foods & drinks, yeast dough, and much more.

My advice? If you wanna know whether its safe to feed a dog something... do some research.