Monday, August 13, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 8/13/12.

back to the future [bak-too-thuh-fyoo-cher]
1. Science Fiction. Originally referenced in a film of the same name, it refers to when time travelers go the past and then have to return to the present or, at the time they were in, future.

EX. I think its generally agreed that the 80's is a golden age of film entertainment; we got two Star Wars films,  three Indiana Jones films, two Ghostbusters films, dozens of other amazing films, franchises and blockbusters, and of course the Back to the Future trilogy. Here are some question and my own answers (leave your own in the comments) :

What was your favorite moment in the Back to the Future films? 
Mine was probably the "dream" that George has where he meets Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan.

What was your favorite 80's franchise and/or film?
I think mine is probably Star Wars and its too hard to pick one so I'll just pick three of my favorite films of the decade, Conan the Barbarian, Big Trouble in Little China, and John Carpenter's The Thing. 

What was good about 80's films?
I kind of want to say a sense of earnestness or a sense of fun; movies in the 80's were usually a little over the top, a little ridiculous, but there is a sense of film makers telling stories that they want to tell instead of modern films which, sorry to be a negative Nancy, are either obnoxious remakes or half-hearted hackjobs that exist only to make money in the easiest way possible. Maybe that's just me....shrug.