Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 6/5/12.

Greek fire [greek-fahyr]
1. A weapon utilized by the Byzantine Empire, it was typically used in naval battles, to great effect, as it could burn while floating on water. It provided a technological advantage over the Byzantine's enemies, leading to victory in many key battles, and securing the position of the Byzantine Empire for many years. The weapon had such an effect on west European crusaders that all such incendiary devices were called by the same name. The contents of Greek fire remain a mystery to this day, the mixtures kept secret to protect their military advantage, and to this day the exact contents are unknown.
2. Any sort of flame or inflammable weapons that are difficult to put out or uncontrollable; such as a wildfire.


The wildfire in Game of Thrones, which is based on the Greek fire weapons of the Byzantine, led to one of the most impressive special effects in not only the television series, but in fantasy television. The fire effects were splendid, the color was vibrant, and all of the practical effects (explosions, stunts, etc.) made for a memorable moment in a worthwhile series. Click the link below to watch the scene in action.

And now for something completely different.

Prince Joffrey is one of the worst characters I've ever seen in fiction. Combine the spoiled child of Dudley Dursley, the blond bully of Draco Malfoy, and the sadism of Dolores Umbridge and what do you get? Prince Joffrey. The moment that really defines the first season for me is when, after hearing the childish bullcrap spew from the boy's mouth, his dwarf uncle Tyrion (the show's break-out Emmy award-winning character portrayed by Peter Dinklage) just slaps the piss out of him. It is cathartic.