Wednesday, September 14, 2011

DAILY ROUND-UP! 9/13/2011

So what tickled my fancy on this supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day?


I had a manic day and could definitely feel the beat of this song in my heart rumbling like a Crown Royale bag of dice. I really enjoy Brad Neely's humor and am excited that on Oct. 2, his creation, China, IL, is getting a new iteration on ADULT SWIM on the Cartoon Network. His humor is a little odd but I really get it.

I really wanna send some awesome fantention the way of Brad Neely tonight. Here is the first scene/chapter from his project called Wizard People, Dear Reader. The project basically involves Neely, someone who has never read the Harry Potter books, narrating the movie like a bizarre book on tape. You can actually download the full mp3 below and get the full experience by playing it over the Sorceror's Stone.

Next on the menu is a hilarious video by the ever-amusing Harry Partridge. Stephen started as a one-off joke as a mention of Partridges most famous character but, after this great animation, it is sure to become a reality. Check out his stuff for more twisted but hilarious humor.

This handy dandy chart will give you a run down until, well, the end of humanity. Check it out.

Alan Rickman. Says. Check this out, byy Grabthar's hammer! I have been a fan of Rickman since his role as the Sheriff of Nottingham.