Monday, September 3, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 9/3/12.

terror birds [ter-er-burds]
1. Also known by the official classification, Phorusrhacidae (meaning "wrinkle-bearers" due to grooves on the skull), these creatures were large carnivorous flightless birds that were dominant predators in South America 62-2 million years ago.

EX. Terror birds are basically the new Velociraptors-- or they would be if they had a good enough publicist like the raptors had in the form of the Jurassic Park films. Unfortunately, the only memorable appearance of this beast was in the megalithic schlock, 10,000 BC.

Then again, dinosaurs have been losing a lot of street cred thanks to scientific discoveries, ex. dinosaurs probably were covered in feathers and, indeed, T-Rex probably looked like a giant fluffy chicken.

Fun stuff.