Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Here are some things that got my attention today.

How Nerd Rage Helps Make The World Better

A sweet article on the ways that nerd rage can be used constructively and affect culture in a positive way. If you never complain or tell the creators of your favorite mediums what you think, they would never know what they should be looking to change to appease you.

Starfox Adventures: Stairfax Temperatures - JonTron

I've only watched a couple of JonTron's videos but I find myself to be a growing fan. Starfox Adventures SUCKED. I really like his editing and the use of his awesome co-host.

21 Ft. Long Crocodile Found in the Phillipines

Giant monster croc. 'Nuff Said.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Tango Down Multiplayer Trailer

I am a huge COD fan and have been since COD 2. I am stoked for this release. If you wanna argue about how much it sucks, go ahead. I'd love to get some comments, even if its trollin'.

Pro-Tip for Comic Book Artists

And lastly, a little advice for the graphic artists who might be reading this...