Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blog Plans!

Good afternoon or good morning or good night. It's difficult to greet someone online without knowing their location, isn't it? This post is merely an opportunity for me to tell you about some of the regular kinds of posts I will do. They are as following,

"Great Scot!"
These posts were written before the blog was started but I plan to share some of them with you for various reasons. These recapitulations will not always be in their original format, as I might clean them up just a little before I thrust them into your eyeballs. Mostly, I have some old poems, movie reviews and story ideas that I would love share with you, my audience.

"In Case You Were Wondering..."
It is not a secret to most of my friends that I have a fondness for musicals. Its a genre that has generally touched me for a few reasons. I think the main reason is I love a good story and a song is one of the oldest and best ways to tell a story. Also, Mondays usually suck pretty hard. Thus my solution to woo you out of your Monday blues is to melt you cares away with a funny musical number or two. I will mostly be getting these videos off youtube and some of them aren't even from stage shoes.

Tuesday, hopefully.
Half of the reason I started this blog was to come up with a better way to share my movie reviews with everyone. I will also be doing books, comics, television and videogames, when the mood strikes me but films are my forte. I became a theater critic in my sophomore year of high school but it wasn't until the summer of 2011 that I found my voice as a critic after reviewing 101 Movies I have never seen before. I plan to keep reviewing and sharing my opinions with you. Some day I hope to start a video series about reviews but that's for another day. As for my 101 movie reviews I will be retroactively posting them on Sundays, at some point. EDIT: School has just started for me and I am having some trouble balancing an 18-HR schedule so until I can get that under my control I may miss some of these.

Japan is the biggest WTF factory on Earth, btw.
A big part of nerd culture, especially since the rise of the internets, is things that make you want to yell "WTF!"As a level 80 Netmancer, who has been slumming the series of tubes we call the internet for about ten years now, I consider myself somewhat of an authority on the internet. Few things truly shock or surprise me anymore but I never lose faith that the over the next wave I surf I will find a new WTF subject of Cthulhuc proportions and be forced to defend my mind.

My Thoughts Can Get Intense.
Thursdays and whenever.
These posts are a new idea that also helped inspire my desire to start a blog was that I have a lot of funny observations and stories that I would love to share with you guys. I try to keep them lighthearted as a rule but perhaps once I get my footing I'll delve in the darker stuff. I love to talk and discuss things with all sorts of people and when I discover some interesting new fact, see something I've never seen before or discover that I've been wrong about socks for my entire life I will share them with you. I really think that is the most powerful glue that holds the internet together, the ability to share and realize you are not alone in the universe.

"Ha chechechechecha!"
Fridays or Saturdays.

My Fridays are when everything gets exciting around my Fortress of Solitude. Forced from my Bat Cave and into the halls of the Action Society I greet my fellow friends and we prepare for a night dice rolling and role- playing. I love Dungeons and Dragons, want to write sci-fi fantasy fiction and comics and I absolutely love to talk about it. On Friday evening after a night of leading my friends through dark corridors and graveyards I will share my love of fantasy with you. Whether its a chapter from a book I'm working on, a concept for a character, a story from my Dungeons and Dragons experiences or just an essay on how "Goblins Are People Too," I can't wait to share the energy of my Friday nights.

Ultimate Face Palm.
Once or twice a week. Mostly on Sundays.
As aforementioned I spend a lot of time talking to other nerds about various nerd culture and I consider myself an expert on most things nerd. Therefore, every Saturday I will provide a look at, an opinion or a history of, some element of nerd culture. Heck I might just post an awesome video that sums up something.

Neologisms! W007!
Everyday, mostly.
As a lover of language and a wordsmith I will try to post a new word that is either really cool or really nerdy (like everything here) every day. 

Yippee-kiyay mother f*****!
Weekdays, mostly.
This will be wear I try give you guys a general round-up of interesting articles, videos and games I've found throughout my day. Let me explore the webs for you! Let me be the Captain Ahab and those sweet nuggets of juicy internet be my white whale.

This will be the category that encompasses everything else from poetry, to web comics, to videos, to articles about wampas, to dungeons and dragons experiences, to naruto fanart and to whatever else I deem digestible for my audience. I will also do mixed bag blogs when I feel like I can't do my regularly scheduled content.

Han Solo Shot First.

And that's it. I hope to entertain you and always remember that "a nerd in the room, is always worth twelve on the web."