Monday, September 7, 2015


Instalok's newest tasty tune is an excellent remix of the newest Arcade theme in League of Legends paired perfectly with some tangy lyrics and a sprinkling of retro soundbites for that extra pop!

I <3 the retro series of skins. It is a perfect example of how League of Legends skin design is such a strong element of the game's model that, honestly, just gets better and better as they create more and more intricate themed sets of skins with unique particles, sound effects and animations.

Good job, Rito.

One title I am excited to pick up on Xbox One is Rare Replay, a game compilation with 30 games from Rare extensive catalog that reaches back to ZX Spectrum and goes all the way to the Xbox 360 (for better or worse)! Honestly, I am most excited to play Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie because those games, in particular, have a special place in my heart...

...soon to be revisited by many of the old Rare guys with Yooka-Laylee!

Last week was Slowpoke Week's anniversary and we got an English translation of Slowpoke reggae song that we got last year. That took an appropriately long time.