Tuesday, December 16, 2014

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/16/14!

menagerie [men-aj-uh-ree]
1.  A collection of wild or unusual animals, especially for exhibition.
2. A place where a collection of wild or unusual animals, especially for exhibition, are kept.
3. A collection.
4. A group of people.

EX. Imagine a world...

...where two adult colleagues discuss Noah's Ark, the biblical story usually introduced to children at a young age, and one of the two poorly animated colleagues positing,

"What if, the entire point of having Noah build the ark and collect a menagerie of animals is so that God can make them race each other?"

and the other colleague, in an equally monotone and strange manner, laughs at his theological theory and basically calls him an idiot.

Then, God transforms them and their other colleagues into animals. They race.

That is the plot of Zoo Race. You can buy it.