Sunday, December 9, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/9/12.

rancor [rang-ker/rang-kor]
1. Bitter resentment or ill will; hatred; malice.
2. Star Wars. A large carnivorous reptomammal native to the planet Dathomir. Rancors are used as beasts of burden and war, despite the dangers of raising and tending such a beast, and have spread across the galaxy with their masters (often escaping to the wild). In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke defeated a Rancor in Jaba's Palace without his lightsaber by using the force to bring down a mechanical door on it.

EX. I dunno about you guy's but after reading that comic up there...I don't have much rancor towards the Rancor. Also, Rancor is a great Magic the Gathering card.