Monday, October 22, 2012



Sometimes I like to give you guy's something a little out there and the amazingly intricate and gorgeous animated music video of the Japanese doujin music group is certainly not our usual fair. I've done some weird AMV stuff before (CLICK HERE), but let me explain a little bit about this video and/or this subgenre of Japanese music.

Doujin are a special fan genre or fan fiction in Japan that would be practically unachievable in the United States due to our far stricter copyright and property protection laws; Doujin is when an artist or artists take an official product's character and create a profitable fan-fiction out of it. A small warning before you go looking for Doujin of your favorite works, much like the American cartoonist's fan works, there is a lot of pornographic Doujin. So, just be weary.

As for the subgenre of doujin music, often made as compilations and remixes of popular music/themes of video games or anime, it is more of a style of production than subgenre. What caught my attention in this video is the amazing blending of style and pacing of animation that make it a simply beautiful, hypnotic, and stunning spectacle of Japanese animation.

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy the music video and keep checking in for more interesting material from the best that the web has to offer. As always, I'm your humble internet guide. Thank you and please comment/subscribe.