Sunday, September 9, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 9/9/12.

discord [dis-kawrd]
1. Lack of concord or harmony between persons or things.
2. Disagreement; difference of opinion.
3. An inharmonious combination of musical tones sounded together.
4. Any confused or harsh noise; dissonance.

EX. Why would I continue to sow discord on my blog by talking about the ponies? So far, so good and so far, so boring-- I gotta finish this review because, unfortunately, my blog does obey a very specific rhythm that affords no discord. Plus, it would be a weak move not to finish up this two-parter for you guys.

And now, time to get back to the review...

And the second episode begins by reminding us about the state of affairs that the season premier left us in; with the girls bickering due to Discord corrupting them and he claiming victory since, with Rainbow Dash away, they basically cannot defeat him since they need all six pieces of the Elements of Harmony and their avatars to defeat him.

Being one of the smartest ponies in all of Equestria, perhaps the most mature member of the group (most of the time, at least), and the only left uncorrupted by the evil touch of Discord, it is up to Twilight Sparkle to save the day. And, realizing the answer to Discord's riddle, she looks for a book on the history of Equestria in her library. Her friends then play a game of keep away until, finally, a little bit of Twilight Sparkle's frustrated side shows and she gets it away from them. Now, with the elements of harmony they only need to go fight Discord!

It really is wishful thinking of the optimistic Twilight Sparkle to think that the totems would be able to be used when her entire cadre of heroes are acting like total prats and one of them is missing; she gets so flustered that she realizes that the liar, the grump, the hoarder, and the brute, as she calls her four friends, don't fit the right number. And she elects Spike as the "new Rainbow Dash".
And, logically, with everyone being evil faded crapsters and missing Rainbow Dash, not even Twilight Sparkle's confidence and goodness can save the day, alone. Her friends splitting up, the prophecy of Applejack's visions come true, and Twilight Sparkle fades in defeat. She goes home to pack up and leave...until she discovers that Princess Celestia has sent her back all the letters she wrote about her first year in Ponyville. This is pretty much the most useful thing Celestia does during the entire two-parter, which she is mostly absent from, because she is probably busy getting drunk and preparing to seek asylum in Europe. Anyways, Twilight Sparkle is inspired by the letters and seeks out her friends.

She gets her friends backs together and together they capture the corrupted Rainbow Dash... The scene is pretty good and, per usual, the show has a penchant for action that most shows "intended for little girls" lack-- heck the lesson of the episode is down right bad ass.

They go find Discord again, who is unimpressed, until they turn his butt back to stone. The lesson, according to Twilght Sparkle, is that friendship isn't always easy but its worth fighting for-- notice the use of the word fighting and not the use of the words "bargaining", "discussing", or as the G1 Ponies would prefer it, "fixing everything with a makeover". A pretty good climax and the epilogue?

In a rather fan-nodding and epic conclusion, the girls are rewarded with a scene that is an obvious tribute to the medal ceremony from Star Wars IV: A New Hope; complete with knowing looks, nods, and even a few musical cues from that scene. The girls have overcome their first obstacle of the season and, knowing what lies ahead, it is only going to keep on keeping on as one of the best animated shows on television.

All in all, it was a good two parter, but I felt the first half was the strongest. The second part falls into place really neatly and, after such a surprising turn of events in the first part, the second feels downright formulaic, and though fairly enjoyable, lacking in anything to set it apart. And the conclusion feels a little anti-climatic. But in the end, alls well that ends well.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I have received a letter from Princess Celestia assuring you that all is well in Ponyville and, through her magnificent benevolence, this blog will only be allowed to resume as long as we watch out criticism of her majesty-- who is a pretty pretty pony. The fairest of them all, really.