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I don't feel hated...but I do feel the futility of training a Rattata to Lvl 100 |
7. WORD OF THE DAY! 11/20/12. Bottom Dog.
I think Pokemon's Youngster Joey gets mocked a lot, but I think a lot of us were like Joey as a kid or a new kid like him. Don't you remember that kid that didn't have any friends and always tried to impress you with something that wasn't that impressive? Joey is that kid.
6. WORD OF THE DAY! 11/20/12. Chekhov's Gun.
The effective "Chekhov's Gun" is called "seeding". It involves dropping hints or setting a precedent in an early scene of a narrative to set up an event later on in the piece.
I've been watching a lot of animated shorts on Youtube lately...
4. WORD OF THE DAY! 10/24/12. Brohoof.
On a similar note to this "word of the day", I gotta admit that while other fandoms are less desperate to accrue more fans for their fandom, that there are equally obnoxious fandoms that I'm a part of, as well as being a brony. P.S. Ponies gonna PWN and Bronies gonna BRON!
"Needle Love, in your arm I must shove/
Then maybe baby we can prove that I am flesh and blood/
Six demon bag, Egg Shen you shouldn't have/
I drank your peasant magic portion and it made me gag and take a $h!7." -Lo Pan Style
2. WORD OF THE DAY! 11/23/12. Donut/Doughnut.
Letting you guys know that Zach Martin and I recorded a new podcast and should have it up sometime in like the next week or so. We discussed anime localization, for your pleasure.
I really am not sure how I feel about the end of Halo, guys. But the experience made an emotional connection with me and any video game that does that deserves my affection. Unless it just makes me angry/frustrated/disappointed. I'm looking at YOU, Warren Specter! You sold me Epic Mickey and your words turned out to be so wrong that I gotta think you were delusional about the quality of the title. I'll just play my 2-D Mickey Mouse games on SNES and Dreamcast, thank you.