Saturday, January 14, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 1/14/12

internet troll [in-ter-net-trohl]
1. a person who's sole objective is to seek out arguments on the internet for the pleasure of feeding off the frustration and displeasure of others.

EX. The common internet troll is around every corner and under every bridge on the internet. Be careful not to be a billy goat meal to these hungry grumps. Do not fall prey to their "tarps"!

Friday, January 13, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 1/13/12

surmise [ser-mahyz]
1. to think or guess without certain or strong evidence.
2. a matter of conjecture.

EX. I would surmise that this gentleman snorts a lot of poffins.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 1/12/12

snowball effect [snoh-bawl-ih-fekt]
1. a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming bigger, more dangerous, etc.

EX. First, you throw a snowball. Then, he will growl at you. If you throw another, he will show his teeth. And if you throw a third snowball, he will maul you.

That is the snowball effect.

WORD OF THE DAY! 1/11/12

heir [air]
1. a person who inherits or has a right of inheritance in the property of another following the latter's death.
2. a person who inherits or is entitled to inherit a title, rank, position, etc.
3. a person or group considered as inheriting the tradition or talent of a predecessor.

EX. How could a dictator be so damn evil after experiencing the glorious friendliness and joy of Disneyland? Hopefully, Kim Jong-Il's heir won't be a scrooge and help make the world a smaller place by opening his country to liberty. Or he could build a castle for himself? Shrug.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY! 1/10/12

haiku [hahy-koo]
1. a major form of Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables, divided into three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, employing highly evocative allusion and comparisons, often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons.
2. a poem of this nature.

EX. "To all you dumbies
who say that you hate haikus
Cee Lo Green fooled you."

WEEKLY ROUND-UP! 1/2-1/8 2012


So, this was a rather embarrassing first vlog, but I learned some things from it: 1. Get better lighting. 2. Look at the camera and focus on it as if its a person. 3. Relax and next time try to use an alternate persona. 4. Find a better editing program. 

Thanks for all the support from my friends during this learning period.

The fact that I was able to find this film on Youtube, watch it in it's entirety, and share it with you guys is in itself a glorious example of the Internet's power. Maybe if I'm feeling spicy I'll write a view of this glorious film over the weekend. Its by far one of the best manga to live-action adaptations of all time.

I'd been wanting an excuse to post this for a while. I got into a lot of genre fan culture last year, but the two with the most girl power were definitely Lauren Faust's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (the spiritual successor to the Powerpuff Girls) and HBO's brilliant Game of Thrones series.

This kid is seriously cooler than any other Ginger you will ever meet. He is truly the King of the Gingers.

 A glorious dedication to one of my favorite web comic series, but more importantly a dedication to one of my favorite web comics ever. The expressions of these soft stylized unicorns as they think their silly, dirty little thoughts is priceless.

Pokemon references + Honey! I Shrunk the Kids! references = Will kids get my references in ten years?

So, I got a bunch of cards over break but, alas, I am currently awaiting my last card purchase as a late b-day present and then will be taking a break for a while. I gotta say that I am really having a lot of fun with Magic. I especially like playing with my friends and, even more so, when we play games where are decks are more evenly matched and don't use cheap tricks. In those situations, it becomes a mix of chess and poker! 

I never felt like Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon TCGs were ever quite that sophisticated.

Also make sure to vote on which story you would like to see in next weeks, Sci-Fi Fantasy Saturday by commenting in the link below or voting on the pole on the blog's facebook page.

Monday, January 9, 2012


passive-aggressive [pas-iv-uh-gres-iv]
1. Psychoanalysis. of or relating to a personality that harbors aggressive emotions, while behaving in a calm or detached manner.

EX. Yeah, my blasphemy is pretty passive-aggressive, when its not jubilant and silly.

Sunday, January 8, 2012




To check out my other decks, hit the links below.

This article serves two purposes: To share the nerd entertainment around with anyone who might find it sorta interest and to keep myself in check. To do the latter, I'll be keeping track of how much I've invested into building my decks.

So, here we go into discussing my first three color deck, which includes cards from the following purchases:

Deck Builder's Toolkit. Cost: $17

Intro Pack: 2012 Core Set, Sacred Assault. Cost: $13

6 Booster Packs Cost: $24

Intro Pack: Mirroden Besieged, Battle Cries. Cost: $13

Duel Deck: Ajani Vs. Nicol Bolas. Cost: $20

 1 Booster Battle Pack: Cost: $10
Total Expense: $97

Note: Some of these purchases were gifts for Christmas or my Birthday.

So, from these purchases I've built the...


This deck started out the Ajani Vengeant deck from the aforementioned Duel Deck pack. To check out the original deck list, click HERE.

To check out the cards in my deck, click "READ MORE" below.


slow poke/ slowpoke [sloh-pohk]
1. A person who makes slow progress.

SYNONYMS: Laggard, dawdler, dallier, slug, sloth, dilly-dallyer, snail, sluggard, idler, straggler, etc.

EX. No character ever conceived has been a more internet friendly slowpoke than the Pokemon Slowpoke.