Friday, April 18, 2014

WORD OF THE DAY! 4/18/14! (LoL Update!)

brawny [braw-nee]
1. Strong, muscular.

EX. Who is the brawny man with the mustache and a soft spot for Poros? Well, all evidence seems to point toward him being the newest champion coming to the League of Legends, presumed to be named "Braum". Most speculation points the muscular mustachioed macho man being the much-needed support addition that we've been waiting for this year.

 He isn't Poro-Poro the Wonder Poro, but I think any champion that puts his life on the line for poros and comes to the League with two big beefy arms to give bear hugs to his ADC is a welcome addition to the ever-growing cast of characters in the game.

Perhaps the concept was inspired, or just a happy coincidence, by this hilarious comic and concept for a champ named "Angus".

Thursday, April 17, 2014

WORD OF THE DAY! 4/17/14!

It's not just any hat.

It's official.

official [oh-fish-uhl]
1. Authorized or issued by the authorities.

EX. It is a limited edition Pokémon League official hat. It's wearable, it's washable, and it's official. It is the official hat of the official expo of the official Pokémon League. It's official.

And I've officially wanted this official hat since I was officially eight years old.

And now?

It's official.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Let's start with the video from TVMaxwell that has had all my friends repeating the image above as a sort of self-perpetuated in-joke. Some times things just have to be effed up and not completely mind-bleedingly offensive or obtuse. Sometimes... I hope I land on orc.

Neon Genesis: Evangelion is a series that is long overdue its day in the spotlight on my blog. Doesn't mean I'm about to give you a summary of my feelings on it at this exact instant... maybe I need to rewatch it first?

Still, this short, based on this comic, is a pretty perfect summary of the series, as far I'm concerned.

And let's end on a note of wanton violence perfectly animated in a way that makes me look past the hateful nature of its comedy and peer straight into the vacant eyes of its creator's intent embrace the blank void within in a blatantly ineffectual attempt to find some deeper meaning.

Just watch the toon, you salacious queefs.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

WORD OF THE DAY! 4/15/14!

doppelganger [dop-uhl-gang-er]
1. A ghostly counterpart or double of a living person.

EX. Well, considering my theory that Oak family themselves have a few doppelganger dittos in the old family tree, this didn't exactly seem like the most Farfetch'd, and most Ghastly, scenario imaginable.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Made by Joel C. and Studio Yotta, this beautifully animated video takes a decent bit of Starbomb's work and elevates it into something truly memorable. To be honest, most Zelda fans have all seen this joke before, so the extra effort put into the animation, Egoraptor's hilarious delivery, and Danny's sweet over-the-top crooning really puts it over the top.

My job, almost inevitably, winds up making me tire of every holiday long before anyone should have to be over exposed to the imagery and consumerism related to the holiday-- I've spent dozen of hours since Valentine's ended stocking Easter Candy and I have a whole week left of that to go-- but Easter isn't a major buzzkill like getting tired of Christmas. Cuz it is Easter. And almost no one really gives a half a crap about Easter.

Well, looks like Ultra Rapid Fire is saying "cya later, nerds" to all the try-hards and riding off into the sunset on a Hecarim made of tears of bronze and diamond players alike that Riot hasn't tasted since they killed the game mode's namesake.

GGWP. Should have banned horse.