Saturday, December 17, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/17/11

pomp and circumstance [pomp-and-sur-kuhm-stans]
1. splendid celebration with ceremony and fuss.
2. the title of several marches for celebrations, especially graduations.

EX. After the pomp and circumstance of it all is washed away, and the Marauders looked ahead, the Black Lake loomed before them. Just on the other side, they could see a group of young people standing on the other shore, and James thought he saw a mirror of himself. They stepped forward with the hope of reaching that other shore.

Harry looked over the Black Lake. A tentacle of the Giant Squid lazily rose and fell back into the lake. On the other side, just for a moment, he thought he could see four youths. He was just about to call out when Ron and Hermione and the others called for him to come back to the celebration. He looked back over his shoulder, one last time, but the figures were gone.

There are no maps that show how things will turn out. Sometimes you've just got to hope for the best and keep moving toward that shore.

P.S. This is dedicated to my Dad, Imple Sr., who got his Bachelor's in Liberal Studies this morning. He is the first person in his family to get a degree. I am very proud.

Friday, December 16, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/16/11

1.causing feelings of dislike and/or disgust.
2. revolting; repulsive.

EX. Few things are more frighting and more loathsome than the trip through an American wasteland while high on quaaludes.

And Zubats...


Thursday, December 15, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/15/11

crocodile tears [krok-uh-dahyl-teers]
1.a hypocritical show of sorrow; insincere tears.

EX. Jurassic Park Lost:World's Roland Tembo ain't shed no tears in his life-- crocodile tears or legitimate tears.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Cue Star Trek FIGHT Music.
Egads! It's that time of the week again, folks. Last week we guffawed and gamboled over the goofy, grim covers of Man's Life (and other manly periodicals) and this week were diving back into the barbershop magazine bin for some more laughs. While last week we focused on Man Vs. Animal issues, this week we focus on the most dangerous animal known to man:


Check out the rest of these insane issue covers by clicking on "read more" below.

You can also check out last week's hilarious WTF Wednesday below.

WARNING! Some of this material is offensive and could possible be Not Safe For Work. Furthermore the captures are intended to be ridiculous.

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/14/11

sacrilegious [sak-ruh-lij-uhs]
1. pertaining to or involving the violation, pprofanation, or theft of anything sacred or held sacred.
2. being guilty of violation, profanation, or theft of anything sacred or held sacred.

EX. At the sacrilegious Last Supper of Arceus, AKA Pocket Monster God, he and his disciples sat eating poffins and berries. And while they were eating, he said, "I will tell you the truth, one of you will betray me."

Mewtwo sighed, "Fine, it'll probably be me. I'll just go sod of to my poke-Death Star now."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/13/11

surreptitious [sur-uhp-tish-uhs]
1. obtained, done, made, etc. by stealth, secrecy, or unauthorized activity.
2. acting in a stealthy way.

EX. I've noticed that little has changed in the world of enemy NPC AI in Skyrim. I can still manage to trick a barbarian into thinking he just imagined the arrows in his back by running to the back of his cave and being surreptitious until the eye-ball reticule returns to a slit and notifies me that I am hidden. Seriously, I've killed entire pirate dens and roving parties of Falmer this way. It just seems mean to pick on the incompetent like that.

Monday, December 12, 2011

WEEKLY ROUND-UP! 12/5-12/11 2011


It has been a month since we dived into Skyrim. I've put a day or more worth of hours into the game and I still haven't scratched the surface of the Nordic homeland. It is the most immersive single player game on the market, right now, and if you don't have it...WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!

WARNING! After a good six hour session of Skyrim you may look down at your hands, expect an inventory menu to pop up, and then expect to be able to equip an Elven War Axe in your right hand and a Conjure Atronach spell in the other.

Captain Strong needs to return to DC Universe tomorrow. If US-1 was good enough for an awesome cameo with a space-traveling semi, than I want to see an immortal sailor man who runs on "sauncha" and fights alongside Aquaman. Steal my idea theoretical comic book writer or artist reading this!

I always wondered if Link ate the hearts of his enemies to regain his strength, but always assumed the faeries healed him in exchange for being released. I am a big fan of fantasy from the monster or minion perspective as you can see in the little short vignette provided as an example.

You can tell I am psyched about the article writing that I'm going to get back to over break. Its been a while since I wrote entire articles about my words of the day, and the two big ones I did this week were a lot of fun to write. If there are any heroes you'd like to see me research and feature, leave a comment below.

And Booster Gold is the man.

The world needs more Superman. The character has received a lot of flak for two primary reasons: he is not as a cool as Batman and he is a big target. The golden standard of super heroism, Superman is as timeless a character as Batman, and deserves to be given the same treatment that Batman has received in his various evolutions. 

Some cynical people out there want gritty and dark super heroes and claim that the altruism of older super heroes is ridiculous. But to quote Superman, "What's so funny about Truth, Justice and the American Way?"

It really was a lot of fun finding all these ridiculous magazine covers and captioning them for you guys. Perhaps I was a little hard on the men that subscribed to these magazines, because I think if they reissued these into a collection I would buy it in a heart beat. Is it ridiculous, chauvinistic, and basically socially wrong in every sense? You bet. But it's also hilarious.

I am pretty proud of silly little scribbles that I drew last Thursday. It was a lot of fun drawing pocket monsters in my cartoonish style. If you're wondering why I didn't color them-- its a mix of laziness and a oddball pleasure in grayscale art. I'd like to draw more of these pokemans over break and maybe I'll color some of them. Heck, maybe I'll make it a challenge to post at least one pokemon a day on my blog. Just gotta wait to get a head start. Also, pokemon themed christmas cards for my friends. Huzzah!

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/12/11

Yes, Virginia. He is killing Santa Claus.

cram [kram]
1. to fill something by force with more than it can handle.
2. to force or stuff.
3. to fill with an excessive amount of food; overfeed.
4. to prepare, as for an exam, by having him or her memorize a lot of information in a short amount of time.
5. to eat greedily.
6. to study excessively at the last minute.
7. to force accommodation into a room or vehicle.

EX. Cramming for three exams in one night, without sleep, is like trying to cram a 350 lb. man down a chimney with your super strength-- the fat man is getting down the chimney, but either he or the chimney is going to be damaged in the process.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY! 12/11/11

trifling [trahy-fling]
1. dishonest; incorrect; nonsensical, ridiculous, off base.
2. of very little importance; trivial; insignificant.
3. mean, petty, worthless.
4. frivolous; shallow; light.
5. of small value, cost, or amount.
6. idle or frivolous conduct.
7. foolish delay or waste of time.

EX. Exactly a month after Skyrim's release and it is still distracting me from school like an obnoxious ex-girlfriend trying to distract me from my work and make everything about her. I mean, holy hell, I have two exams tomorrow and a paper. I don't need to trifling about with Skyrim and Firefox. This procrastination is trifling.